Why Shresta
"At Shresta, we believe in our customers and business partners. It is our duty and responsibility to ensure that everyone receives the goodness of health and nutrition. This belief is reflected in every thought, action, and belief. At Shresta, we uphold our philosophy, 'A Guide to Good Nutrition,' which brings smiles and fosters healthy relationships for everyone."
Our Purpose
"At Shresta, the one thing we've never let go of is trust and being a good company. It's at the heart of everything we do in The Shresta Way. Our purpose is deeply rooted in our commitment to building lasting relationships, fostering trust, and creating positive impact."
Our Values

"To live our purpose, we need to ensure that we are guided by the right values".

Our Values
What We Offer
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Starter & Finisher Of Chicks to Poultry

"Chick feed would be manufactured from highly digestible ingredients and relevant vitamins, minerals and other feed supplements. The feed would be presented in the best possible absorbable form".

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Cattle Feed

"Our ISO-certified cattle feed, tailored for the initial 100 days of lactation, enhances nutrient availability, digestion, and cow health. Achieve high-quality milk with optimal fat and solids-not-fat percentages (LR: 28, Fat%: 4.5, SNF: 8.5-9), addressing mineral needs and supporting reproduction for your herd's well-being".

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Sheep & Goat Feed

"Specially formulated to create nutritionally balanced diet for Sheep and Goats,Easily digestible and better feed conversion efficiency, ensures higher growth rate and body weight gain".

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Swine/Piggery Feed

"Adjust solid food intake for cost-effective growth. Incorporate grass/leaves, monitor costs and health. Tailor diet based on age, breed, and health for optimal cost-effective results".

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